
St George's Hall


Friday 6th March 2020




Here we go again! 



Amazingly, this was our eighth visit to this splendid venue. We were so glad the flooding had subsided. Tickets had  again sold well. Had it been a week earlier it may have been cancelled. 



On with the show


We rattled through our customary three tunes before inviting Doug to join us on stage. 


The great people of Bewdley were joining in right from the start.





New Material



Having entertained this great audience many times before, we worked hard to include some new songs, stories and jokes.





On with the show!


We quickly picked up the pace after the interval from where we had left off.

  The Crescendo!


The show concluded with the usual crescendo, inviting the audience to start a song over the back beat we laid down.


The crowd were well-up for this, joining in with some gusto and arms waving in the air!


Thanks to Bob for the pics and to everyone for another fab evening!

© 2024 - The Music and Laughter Show