
St George's Hall

Friday 10th March 2023




This was the latest of ten shows we have done on behalf of Bewdley Rotary - another of those praiseworthy organisations that raises fantastic amounts of money for charities in their area.




We arrived early, allowing plenty of time to get in, set up and run a sound check.


Having worked this room before, we were familiar with its acoustics and we had no problems at all, giving us time to relax before the show.





Happy with the sound, we opened the show with a trio of classic 60s tunes.


Our amazing audience joined with gusto with all three tunes.






Doug joined us on stage to a very warm welcome from the wonderful people of Bewdley.




Having entertained this audience often, we included some different numbers along with some of the their old favourites.


The nostalgia and nonsense resumed when Doug rejoined us on stage for the rest of the evening.




With Doug in fine form, we enjoyed another great evening with the folk of Bewdley.


Thanks to everyone and here's to next time!


Thanks to Bob for the photos.

© 2024 - The Music and Laughter Show